to Silken Windhounds. If you're visiting it's no doubt because you've heard a little about this amazing breed.
You can learn about Silkens by going to the International Silken Windhound Society website at You'll find the history of the breed, the breed standard, links to breeders, and the information you'll need to get more involved in the Silken community.
Silkens are very special dogs. They will be your loving, entertaining companion, or you can enjoy the fun of lure coursing, racing, and showing them as well. We show in conformation at ISWS (International Silken Windhound Society) specialty shows, and are welcome to show in UKC, ICKC, and IABCA shows. We attend ASFA (American Sighthound Field Association) lure coursing events, straight racing with LGRA (Large Gazehound Racing Association), oval racing with NOTRA (National Oval Track Racing Association), and open field coursing with NOFCA (National Open Field Coursing Association). These dogs are very versatile and there is little they won't enjoy doing with you.

Site photo credits: Most images courtesy of Iola Stetson
Tootsie attended SilkenFest 2016 as a Veteran. She came home with an AOM in Best of Breed, and Best Veteran. Her get helped her win Brood Bitch as well. Best of all one of her get took BISS. What a thrill! More>
Last updated June 12, 2016
Moon is the man of the month. He finished his ISWS CH in March at SilkenFest 2016 and in April he finished his ASFA FCH. Way to go Moon. Already a Dual Champion. More>
Moon is now ISWS Ch, UKC GRCH Kumbaya Moon Tide Effect, following his win at SilkenFest 2016. He also placed 3rd in Lure Coursing (Open Stake) and 2nd in the Triathlon. How fun to have an all-around dog. More>
What a thrill at 2016 SilkenFest. Winsome's Zenyatta (Tootsie/Tiki litter) was awarded WB, BOW and on to BISS. She is owned by Melissa Pearce of Attaway Slkens, and Iola Stetson.