Silken Sunday Meetup

Hi Everyone,

Winsome is going to have its first “open house” of the year next weekend!

We’ll be having a “Silken Sunday” on Sunday the 16th of June if you would like to come. This will take place at Iola’s house in Redmond WA, if you would like to come and need the address feel free to join our discord and ask Nic or Charliann for some information.

This event will be open to anyone that would like to meet Winsome, our dogs, or anyone that would just like to stop by and say hi. We will have some lunch, maybe snacks, and depending on what people are interested in we might do some quick racing (weather permitted).

We also put some times on our calendar for phone conversations for those that can’t make it out in person. To book a time to speak with us, please go here and book a time slot.

We will try to post any updates to our discord channel. We hope to see you there!

The Winsome crew.