We had a visitor come to Winsome to make her showing debut. Quila is part of the extended Winsome family (her dam is Winsome’s Zenyatta at Attaway) and we are so happy that her owners up in Canada let her come down to stay with us.
We love her so much!
Quila is now UKC Ch Attaway Running with the Night RATI RATN (pending UKC confirmation)!
Two weeks ago Iola came up to pick her up and brought her down to the CAPBT Longview shows. She went Best Female at all four shows shown by Bella. That concludes her UKC Ch in her debut weekend!
Then she made the journey down with Nic and Charliann Cross and Bella to BooFest where she went Best Opposite Puppy in Show 1!-Quila's Family